THINK Together’s daily comprehensive elementary school programs consist of 5 spotlights that include ELA, Math, STEM, Youth Development, and Arts & Enrichment.
The program is available for Kindergarten through 6th grade students from the time the school day ends to 6 pm. Students receive a healthy snack before participating in a rotation of structured activities. THINK Together’s standards-based curriculum intentionally aligns, engages and reinforces learning concepts taught during the core day instruction which in turn, positively impacts student achievement. Furthermore, we believe our programs can have an even broader impact beyond academic achievement in that we help to prepare students to be successful in college or careers after they graduate high school.
A typical THINK Together elementary school site serves between 90 and 200 students each school day. Each site is staffed by Program Leaders in order to maintain a student to paid staff ratio of no more than 20:1. Program Leaders work alongside community volunteers and are supervised by one full-time Site Coordinator, who works closely with the school principal and teachers to align the content of the afterschool program with school-day needs and priorities. Site Coordinators receive training and side-by-side coaching from experienced Quality Assurance Coaches to ensure the highest program quality.
Elementary Expanded Learning Curriculum Academics
- Homework Assistance is provided to students individually or in small groups to help them better understand and fulfill daily assignments. THINK Together staff and trained volunteers focus on inquiry to foster the child’s ability to work independently and think critically to guide them to the correct answer.
- ELA (English Language Arts) is focused on Reading Literary and Informational Texts to support central ideas, reasoning and evaluation, key details, word meanings, analysis within/across text, text structures and features and language use.
- Mathematicsis focused on Concepts and Procedures with a focus on the priority cluster for each grade level. Concepts are varied by grade with lessons that support to reinforce skill building, fluency and application to real-world problems.
- STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) Educationcenters on developing content understanding and exploration through the Engineering Design Process and Scientific Method models. We support the application of the Scientific Method in which youth explore questions of interest, predict what they think will result from an experiment, conduct the experiment and determining what was learned in the process through inquiry. The Engineering Design Process allows students to explore steps that lead to the development of a new product or system through innovation. Both models foster natural curiosity and provide students exposure to careers involved in STEM.
- Youth Development is focused on providing student leadership opportunities throughout program by giving them voice and choice. Students are able to explore various roles and leadership opportunities and strengthen their social-emotional skills by developing healthy life-long habits in conflict and character education, physical activity, and nutrition.
- Arts & Enrichment provide students an opportunity to expand their horizons with learning that is meaningful by exercising skills in visual and performing arts. THINK Together is committed to supporting students’ mastery through various enrichment opportunities like music, dance, drama, and art. As one child remarked, “Before this I didn’t know I was a dancer.” We offer regular opportunities for parents to celebrate their children’s accomplishments through organized family nights and various culminating events that showcase their talents

Spaces Available for THINK Together as of August 21, 2019:
Group A (K-1st): Space available
Group B (1st-2nd): Spaces available
Group C (2nd-3rd): Spaces available
Group D (3rd-4th): Spaces available
Group E (4th-5th): Spaces available
Group F (5th-6th): Spaces available
Please contact Site Coordinator for more information:
Yanelli Espinoza
Site Coordinator
THINK Together
Miramonte Elementary
10620 Schmidt Rd. El Monte, CA 91733
(626) 354-0740